Friday, January 24, 2014

Marriage Panel

I had to miss this meeting because I was out with a sick baby. I know other mama's were out with sick babies as well. I am praying for all the sickness to go away. It has been bad this year.
I heard the marriage panel went great! It's always good to get godly advice from godly couples who have been married for a long time!
Thank you to the 3 couples who came!
See you all on February 12th for our cookie decorating with Melissa Jones!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Priorities and Homemade cleaners

Today our MOPS mom Jacque, spoke on priorities. What a convicting message. 
"Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." Matthew 10:37
What are your priorities?
God wants our priorities as mothers, wives, and His children to be like this:
1. God
2. Our husband
3. Our children
It's so hard as moms to not put our children first. They require so much of our time & effort. 
I know when I actually put forth the effort to put the Lord first (like having my quiet time) my days go so much smoother & I feel like my priorities are in line. 
Something else Jacque said was that we need to let God control our priorities. I am such a control freak. I learned today that this was my problem... Let God control your priorities. 
Homemade household cleaners:
We also made some cleaners that are not toxic. We made a stain remover & an all purpose cleaner. It was messy & we left smelling like vinegar but it was a great meeting. Can't wait to use these products.

 If anyone wasn't there & would like to make them. Here are the recipes.